Level 2 certificate in the Principles of Customer Service


Course Key


 Initial Assessment

 Concession Available

 Blended Course

 Online Course


Course Fee £420.00
Concession Fee £240.00

Who is this course for?

Are you looking to improve your customer service skills by completing some advanced customer service training?

Are you looking to study a customer service course online?

Do you want a qualification that could lead to further training opportunities?

Do you want or need a Level 2 customer service qualification to enhance your CV?


This qualification will provide you with the underpinning knowledge required by employers to work in a range of different environments in a customer service role. You will develop essential knowledge of how to carry out customer service related tasks such as how to manage information and support events. Once you have completed the qualification you will be able to apply your knowledge in a variety of industries and job roles.



Venue Last date to enrol Apply/Enrol
Online 28/02/2025 Enquire Now

To find out more about how Blended and Online courses are delivered Click Here

Course Details

This course is split up into manageable sections, including:

Unit 1: Principles of customer service and delivery

This unit will provide you with the fundamental knowledge and understanding needed to work in a customer service role. You will develop knowledge of the legal and ethical requirements that relate to customer service and maintaining customer service information.

Unit 2: Understand customers

Within this unit you will develop knowledge of the different types of customers. You will also study the links between good customer service and customer loyalty, as well as how these factors affect the organisation in terms of reputation and image.

Unit 3: Understand employer organisations

Here you will look at a variety of organisational structures and the differences between private, public and voluntary sectors. You will discover the internal and external influences on organisations, and why change in the business environment is important.

Unit 4: Understand how to communicate with customers

Within this unit you will gain a thorough understanding of the importance of effective communication in customer service. You will look at different communication techniques and how to identify and adapt your own communication style in order to offer the best service possible.

Unit 5: Understand how to handle customer information

This unit will provide you with knowledge of customer service information systems and handover procedures. You will learn about the different responsibilities and levels of authority for processing customer service information.

Unit 6: Understand how to resolve problems and deliver customer service to challenging customers

Unit 6 will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge to enable you to deal with challenging customers. You will develop knowledge of techniques you can use to resolve problems and manage unresolved problems by referring to other sources.

Unit 7: Understand how to develop customer relationships

Within this unit you will gain an understanding of how to develop relationships with customers or potential customers. You will also study the value of customer loyalty and the customer’s expectations of you.


This course is purely online. You will learn from the comfort of your own home, in your own time and at your own pace. By enrolling on this course you will get access to award-winning learning and assessment materials. This course will be supported by a specialist tutor. 


Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements, but you will need to provide evidence that you have been a resident of the UK/EU for the past three years and aged 19+. You would also need a good level of English in order to understand the course materials and complete the course.  


Equipment Needed

As you would be studying from home you would need an internet connection and access to a computer, tablet or smartphone. 


How will progress be monitored and assessed?

Your learning is completed online through our online learning platform. All assessments are completed on that platform and you receive immediate feedback as they are marked online, automatically. 



Successful completion of this course will provide you with a Level 2 Customer Service qualification from awarding body NCFE.


After completing this course, could I progress onto another course?

At the end of this course you will be able to enrol on further SAFL or college courses. See our full course offer here. 


*100% Concession if in receipt of Universal Credit, Job Seekers or Employment Support allowance.  50% Concession if aged 60+.

Your course fees are paid for through the West Midlands Combined Authority, which is government funding.