Our year in images and our new online service

Sandwell Adult and Family Learning (SAFL) is the adult education service for Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council.  Although the last three months have been challenging, SAFL has continued to help our learners and Sandwell residents in any way we can.  This has included supporting our learners to study from home as well as volunteering our services to those who need assistance at this difficult time.

With that in mind, we have created a short film to celebrate the achievements of our learners and staff during this academic year

Check it out here... https://youtu.be/nHWgXbMCsq8 

We are also excited to announce that we are launching SAFL Online.  This platform enables us to build on 20 years’ experience of delivering high quality learning opportunities for the residents of Sandwell and the wider Black Country community.  Our online offer provides the flexibility to fit learning around your busy lives. So, whether you need to re-train and upskill or would just like to try something new, SAFL and SAFL Online are here to support you Shaping Lives, Through Learning.  

Keep watching our social media channels for all the latest updates about these.

Facebook: @SandwellAdultEd

Twitter: @learnsafl

You Tube: SAFL Learning

If you want to chat why not email us at [email protected]

Creator: Scott L
Published: 19 June 2020